Výsledky 1.h. 7B

Vytvoř otázku na podtržená slova (podtržené nesmí být v otázce, tázací zájmena)

  1. She is in the bus. Where is she?

  2. Your parents are at work. Who is at work?

  3. Jana is in her bedroom. Where is Jana?

  4. The dog is happy today. When is the dog happy?

  5. These houses are big. What is big?

  6. Her cousins are old. Who is old?

  7. The children are on the carpet. Where are the children?

  8. The children are on the carpet. Who is on the carpet?

  9. Her birthday is in January. When is her birthday?

  10. The lesson is at 5:30. What is at 5:30.

  11. The lesson is at 5:30. When is the lesson?

  1. Honza má psa. Honza has got a dog.

  2. Iveta nemá 2 anglické knihy. Iveta hasn´t got 2 English books.

  3. Já neumím plavat. I can't swim.

  4. Moji rodiče umí tančit. My parents can dance.

  5. Tvůj bratranec má andulku. Your cousin has got a budgie.

  6. Máš postel ve tvém pokoji? Have you got a bed in your bedroom.

  7. Jejich teta umí zpívat.Their aunt can sing.

  8. Jsi učitel? Are you a teacher?

  9. Kolik máš kamarádů? How many friends have you got?

  10. Kde je ten balón? Where is the ball?

Krátce odpověz

  1. Has she got 5 parrots? Yes, she has.

  2. Are you happy? No, I am.

  3. Are we in the cinema? Yes, you are. / Yes, we are.

  4. Can you swim? No, I can´t.

  5. Is your mum old? No, she isn´t.

  6. Are their parents sad? Yes, they are.