6. třída výsledky

There is / There are - pracovní sešit str. 45/2

Cvičení CAN - vytváření otázek

6A Přečti si text a doplň správná jména

6B - poslech


  • Why is Ollie at home? Ollie is at home because he is ill.
  • What are the pens and the balloons for? They are for a poster.

Cvičení k poslechu:

Amy _________her homework. (finish)

Amy´s finishing her homework. / Amy is finishing her homework.

Mr Clarke _________a cup of coffee. (make)

Mr Clarke´s making a cup of coffee. / Mr Clarke is making a cup of coffee.

My parents ___________the radio. (listen to)

My parents´re listening to the radio. / My parents are listening to the radio.

Sam ___________his books in his bag. (put)

Sam´s putting his books in his bag. / Sam is putting his books in his bag.

Mrs Wilson ______________-the newspaper. (read)

Mrs Wilson´s reading the newspaper. / Mrs Wilson is reading the newspaper.


  • Příklad: Rob se nesprchuje. On čeká na autobus. (have a shower / wait for the bus)
  • Výsledek: Rob isn´t having a shower. He´s waiting for the bus.

Amy nedokončuje svůj DÚ. Ona jde do školy. (finish her homework / walk to school)

Amy isn´t doing her homework. She´s walking to school.

Pan Clarke nedělá šálek kávy. On jde na nádraží. (make a cup of coffee / go to the station)

Mr Clarke isn´t making a cup of coffee. He´s going to the station.

Moji rodiče neposlouchají rádio. Oni řídí do práce. (listen to / drive to work)

My parents aren´t listening to the radio. They´re driving to work.

Sam si nedává knihu do batohu. On nastupuje do autobusu. (put his books in his bag / get on the bus)

Sam isn´t putting his books in his bag. He´s getting on the bus.

Paní Wilsonová nečte noviny. Ona snídá. (read the newspaper / have breakfast)

Mrs. Wilson isn´t reading the newspaper. She´s having breakfast.

6C výsledky


  • otázky

1.) Why are Micke and Millie washing Mut?

They are taking Mut to a pet show.

2.) Why does Mickey say: "Well done!"?

Because Mut wins the first prize.

Doplňování slov

park (They aren´t going to the park today. Dnes nejdou do parku - PRŮBĚHOVÝ ČAS)

washing (Mickey and Millie are washing Mut. - PRŮBĚHOVÝ ČAS)

raining (It isn´t raining, but ......PRŮBĚHOVÝ ČAS)

fur (Millie is brushing Mut´s fur. - PRŮBĚHOVÝ ČAS)

smart (Mickey and Millie are wearing smart clothes. PRŮBĚHOVÝ ČAS)

bus (They aren´t taking the bus into town. - PRŮBĚHOVÝ ČAS)

show (They´re going to a pet show. - PRŮBĚHOVÝ ČAS)

first (Mut wins first prize. - prostý čas)

Vytvoř otázku:

  • I am cooking lunch. Am I cooking lunch?
  1. We are having breakfast. Are we cooking dinner?
  2. They are having shower. Are they having shower?
  3. Jack is learning. Is Jack learning?
  4. Dana is phoning. Is Dana phoning?

Krátké odpovědi + otázky

  1. Mut / have bath / Yes - Is Mut having bath? Yes, he is.
  2. it / rain / No - Is it raining? No, it isn´t.
  3. Mickey and Milley / go to the shops / NO - Are Mickey and Milley going to the shops? No, they aren´t.
  4. Micke / brush Mut´s fur / No - Is Mickey brushing Mut´s fur? No, he isn´t.
  5. Mickey and Millie / wear smart clothes / Yes - Are Mickey and Millie wearing smart clothes? Yes, they are.
  6. they / go in the car / Yes - Are they going in the car? Yes, they are.

Doplň věty

2. He wears jeans every weekend. (prostý čas) He is wearing jeans now. (průběhový čas)

3. We are washing the car today. (průběhový) We wash the car every Sunday. (prostý)

4. They go to the shops every Saruday. (prostý) They are going to the shops now. (průběhový)

5. She is playing tennis today. (průběhový) She plays tennis on Tuesdays and Fridays. (prostý)

6D výsledky


A How much is this jacket?

B: It is £ 35.


A: How much are these boots?

B: They are € 26.

Nová učebnice - úvodní lekce

Who are they? (Kdo jsou?)

👩‍🦰 Susan - Susan is Emma and Jake´s mum.

👦 Jake - Jake is Emma´s brother. Jake is Peter and Susan´s son. Jak is Conor´s friend.

👧 Polly - Polly is Emma´s best friend.

🐶 Benjy - Benjy is Jake and Emma´s dog.

👨Peter - Peter is Jake and Emma´s dad.

🧑 Conor is Jake´s friend. Conor is Jake and Emma´s neighbour.

👱‍♀️Emma - Emma is Jake´s sister. Emma is Peter and Susan´s daughter. Emma is Polly´s friend.

Emma - At the sports centre

  1. What is Emma´s full name? Emma Griffin
  2. How old is she?
  3. Where does she live? 94 Reed Avenue, London, NW19 6KP
  4. What sports and activities is she interested in? Badminton, swimming and volleyball

What can you do?

1 the guitar

play the piano

play the saophone

play anything, sing