AVERT stands for Active Violence Emergency Response Training.
It is designed to prepare your organization to respond to active violence.

AVERT is a critical step toward preparing your organization for the potential of active violence. Your team’s level of training and preparedness can have a significant impact on the outcome of an emergency situation. This course covers Violence Awareness, Detection, Prevention as well as Situational Awareness, Advanced Bleeding Control and Basic Escape and Evade tactics. We also cover basic disarming and survival techniques that can help you and your staff survive violent encounters. Included is a free basic assessment of your Workplace or Church to give you ideas and show potential weaknesses in your defense strategy.

We can also help you design an Emergency Action Plan for your home, school, church or workplace.

Whether it is an ACTIVE SHOOTER, an EDGED WEAPON ATTACK or any other type of violent interaction,
AVERT Training helps you Recognize and React to violent situations.

To hold a course at your location, CLICK HERE or EMAIL SALES@EMTA.NET

To take a public course, CLICK HERE for our public course offerings.