Psychology Careers
Preparing for Your Career with a Psychology Degree
Career options for baccalaureate level psychology graduates are not necessarily obvious. Deciding whether to pursue an academic career or one in industry is often difficult for graduate students because they have limited industrial experience. This program, frequently presented at psychology conferences and on college campuses for psychology clubs, provides:
- initial career guidance for undergraduate students.
- an introduction to working in industry for graduate and undergraduate students.
- practical recommendations for securing a job in industry.
The session is highly interactive and informative for student and faculty alike.
Numerous activities (such as the networking game) are included in the program to reinforce key points, keep the program entertaining and fun as well as applicable, educational, memorable and useful.
The session Word Cloud above was built from one word session evaluations at a career program for psychology students.
Selected segments of this program were documented in the Winter 2012 issue of Eye on Psi Chi, a magazine published by the undergraduate psychology honor society.