Ebersole ONLINE


Welcome to Ebersole online!

We are thrilled to be able to offer a number of engaging online resources and curated content for students, families, staff, and community members. If you have any questions or need help navigating this site, please don't hesitate to call 517-755-5001.

"Time spent amongst the trees is never wasted time." - Katrina Mayer

Neighborhood Naturalist (Image)
Outside With Ebersole and Neighborhood Naturalist are filled with activities for students and families to complete in their own backyard or neighborhood.
Weekly Challenge (Image)
One task. One week. Post evidence to any social media with #ebersoleonline. If we spotlight your entry you win some cool Ebersole merchandise.
Educator Activity Blog (Image)
This is where our naturalists will be sharing lessons, resources, and information that educators can utilize.