October Posts

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." - John Lubbock


10/21/21 Printable Nature Journal

A great way to learn about nature and science is to observe our natural world! Use this document to print nature journals for your whole class! Record seasonal changes, sketch what you see, journal how the outdoors make you feel, or use them for what ever you see fit! Click on the link to the left to access the PDF.

Link to halloween activities

10/12/21 Halloween Activities with Recycled and Natural material

Repurposing materials is a great way to lessen our environmental impact, as well as a fantastic opportunity to boost creativity. Newspapers, disposable cups, bottle caps, glass jars, milk cartons, rubber bands, paper plates, tin cans, and yogurt containers turn into spooky monsters, beautiful classroom decorations, and clever building blocks for STEM structures. Click on the image to the left to check out Project Learning Tree's activities!

Link to NWF Planning Guide

10/1/21 Schoolyard Habitats Planning Guide

This guide will help you plan, build, and maintain your National Wildlife Federation Schoolyard Habitats® garden, leading you through a clear, step-by-step process. You’ll also find Green STEAM learning opportunities for students and many environment-based teaching tools. Click on the image to the left to get to the guide.