become a naturalist in your neighborhood

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." - Laura Ingalls Wilder

Welcome Neighborhood Naturalist! Naturalists, in case you didn't know, are keen observers of the natural world. Slowing down and making observations of the natural world is something that almost anyone can do, so our team here at the Ebersole Center invites you and your family to get outside and observe. Ebersole staff will regularly post new content and activities specifically designed to be completed in your backyard or local neighborhood. If you would like, and with the permission of your parents, please feel free to post pictures of you and your family enjoying the great outdoors to #ebersoleonline. Enjoy!

outside with ebersole

An 8-week series of outdoor activities that can be completed in your own backyard or neighborhood.

neighborhood naturalist

Small sets of activities that can be completed in your own backyard or neighborhood.