December Posts

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." - John Lubbock

Outside 2021 V1.pdf

12/13/2021 Activity Guide For Classrooms

The naturalists at Ebersole put together a unique version of "Outside with Ebersole" that has activities that you can do with your class! All that's needed are some minimal supplies and then your class can have fun connecting with nature.

12/9/2021 DIY Dog Toys

Now is the time for giving (and crafting!). Have students use old t-shirts to make a dog toy. Then once your whole class has made one, donate them to your local dog shelter! Click on the link to the left to learn how to make the braided t-shirt tug toys.

12/6/2021 If Outdoor Learning Is Safer During COVID, Why Aren’t More Schools Doing It?

Good read! Check out this article on the challenges and benefits of outdoor learning. Click on the link to the left for the full article.