Recipes recipes recipes! 13.03.22

So many recipes!
I've been trying to be somewhat good with the team of volunteers I have and start writing things down...

I don't know if you realise, I normally just make everything up as I go along!

Trying to type up (and make up) recipes ready for our Tuesday prep is normally how my Monday evening has started to look. Admittedly I've had to go back over a couple of the ones I've typed up as I forgot to write down when to add ingredients (whoops) - hey, it's all a learning curve!

Just a small visual as to the inside of what I think when I see a potato...

I keep saying to myself maybe I should finally start to look into writing a cook book, with my ramblings of my Monday muses, the way my chaotic brain has to work to come up with 18 different meal options (as well as adapt those for people who have other allergies or dietary changes), kitchen staples I normally have, background into Easy Tz Meals etc.

Sometimes I wonder if anyone would actually want to get this though (no, this isn't a woe is me moment don't worry!)

What do you think? Something to look into, or start looking at sharing more online?

Let me know!