Mousse so nice I made it twice! 20.03.21

Happy Saturday!

I hope you're all enjoying the weekend! I was on the Radio yesterday talking about Easy Tz Meals and the donations we have made through the lockdowns and throughout this year, crazy to think the concept of this little business started almost a year ago! I did get a bit emotional after the phonecall I must admit, it's an overwhelming feeling to say the least to think about what has happend this past year and the anticipation of the year to come. This is why I was also a bit delayed in writing this weeks menu and recipe, I had a bit of brain-block too but I was excited to share this recipe as this was one of the recipes I used when I did my ABC Pastry qualification at college and is a one that has always stuck with me for its easy ratio and preparation.

Only a short update from me this week and for now lets crack on with the chocolate mousse recipes, two ways!

Chocolate mousse two ways! (serves 1 for each recipe)

You will need


  • 1 medium egg, yolk and white separated

  • 50g Chocolate (we used dark chocolate here!)

  • Saucepan and bowl to make a bain marie

  • Whisk (electric for ease)

  • Bowl for egg white

  • Spatula

  • Spoon


  • 50g Chocolate (same as above)

  • 50ml Double cream

  • Microwave safe bowl

  • Spatula

Method - Recipe 1

  1. Break your chocolate into your bowl and place the bowl onto a saucepan of water and on a medium heat. Stir occasionally, making sure the water in the saucepan doesn't boil too much and overflow. Once the chocolate is melted leave to cool slightly.

  2. Whilst your chocolate is cooling, whisk your egg whites until stiff peaks form (the kind where you can turn the bowl upsidown without making a mess!)

  3. When your chocolate has cooled down to about body temperature (when you stick your finger in and it doesn't feel hot or cold) stir in your egg yolk with your spatula.

  4. Add a small spoon of egg white to your chocolate and mix in to loosen the mixture slightly, before slowly folding in the rest of the egg whites, one spoon at a time until fully incorperated (I recommend using your spoon for this and going in careful figures of 8 to fold your mixture together)

  5. Once this has all been fully incorperated, place into a ramekin or fancy glass of your choice and place in the fridge to set, it should start to set in about an hour but overnight can also work. Eat within two/three days!

Method - Recipe 2

  1. Break your chocolate into your bowl and place the bowl into the microwave and melt in 30-second bursts, keeping an eye on to ensure it doesn't burn!

  2. Once your chocolate has melted, let it cool slightly (to a bit warmer that body temperature)

  3. Pour half your cream into your chocolate and stir, then add the rest of your cream and sitr until fully incorperated.

  4. Place your mixture into a ramekin or fancy glass and place in the fridge to set, check after an hour, or leave to set overnight. This mixture is more of a ganache so it will definately be rich! Eat within two/three days!

Why not...

  1. Vegan-ise it! Replace the cream in recipe 2 with full fat coconut milk! Top with toasted coconut flakes for a full bounty experience!

  2. Top with flavoured cream! In the photos above I made a caramel cream and a black cherry jam cream, the jam cream was just 30ml whipped cream with a spoon of cherry jam stirred in, and the caramel cream was with homemade caramel stirred into whipped cream, yum !

  3. Stew some strawberries or raspberries for a tart topping - make sure your mousse is slightly set first.

  4. Make a layered dessert with different chocolates! Leave to set in between each layer for at least an hour before layering, or change this with maybe a jelly layer!

I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you make this or use this for any other recipes!
