Growing Readers Together


These are certainly unprecedented times.  We are all navigating new territory.  This site is to serve as a resource to help you through the journey.  You will find charts and bookmarks that students would normally have at their fingertips at school as well as tips for parents/caregivers on supporting your child.

This year we are considered a school wide Title I program.  This designation allows us a bit more flexibility in working with East York students.  We have dubbed ourselves the "Literacy League" and are looking forward to working with our staff and students in a variety of ways.  You can read more about this in the section below.

On the bottom of this page, you will find a Google form.  Please feel free to enter suggestions, questions, or comments.  We will be updating this site to reflect the needs of our families.  

Thank you for all that you do!  Together we can make a difference!

Course Overview

Navigating the Site

If you do not have a menu on the side of the page, then in the upper left hand corner of the page, you should see three lines.  Clicking on those lines, what we call the hamburger at school, will allow you to navigate between pages.  Alternatively, you can click on the buttons below to take you where you need to go.  

You will find that there are three sections of reading listed: Phonics & Decoding, Fluency, and Comprehension.  Students need to have phonics and decoding in place in order to build fluency which in turn builds comprehension.  Many people refer to fluency as the bridge between phonics/decoding and comprehension.   You will also find a section on developing the whole child.  Here you will find information about the brain, developing a growth mindset, and practicing mindfulness.  In addition, there is a section on becoming an online learner.  We all know that online learning is a very different type of learning than being in the classroom.  This section will provide tips to help you through.

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