Dr. David B. Smith

Professor, Sound, Music and Media TechnologyDepartment of Entertainment TechnologyNYC College of Technology, CUNY
Founding Partner, Director of Creative InnovationRealtime Music Solutions, LLC
President, Bianchi and Smith: Virtual Orchestras for the Performing Arts

AI in the Classroom

2024, June 8I present at a multi-day workshop on AI in the classroom, certainly an important topic in this day and age.

Building Bridges to Knowledge Fellow

I have been selected (along with two other City Tech faculty) as part of a 25 person team to design open education resource (OER) material for the use of AI in the classroom.  I am part of the Humanities team.

Shedding Light: A Celebration

2024, May 2I co-directed and produced this large Meta-project as part of the Three-year CUNY Anti-Hate initiative.  Involving multiple projects across many disciplines, we are using this as a pilot CHI project, and planning for expanding and improving it over the next couple of academic years.


2024, March 9-16Back in beautiful Vienna, meeting with like-minded educational institutions and presenting at Modul University on Balanced Blended Space (See "Summer 2024").

CUNY IT Conference Presentation

2023-November-30I presented at the CUNY IT Conference on November 30, 2023.  My presentation was called "Partnership and Collaboration with Generative AI in Combinative Reality" and was the first public delivery of my ideas about Balanced Blended Space 
This documentary short, for which I composed the music, is now in festival competition, and has already won many awards.  Work continues on a full length documentary.

Rehearsal Live Share

My company, Realtime Music Solutions, has developed revolutionary remote rehearsal technology to allow for distant rehearsals in a time of social isolation
Here is an article in which I am interviewed (along with business partner Jeffrey Lazarus) for School Band and Orchestra Magazine


over 60 compositions for a variety of genres, including concert, theatrical, interactive environment, and film.  

Virtual Orchestra

Sound Design

Human Machine Collaboration

*In a fit of whimsy, I sprinkle amongst these pages line drawings ("doodles") of mine, which improvization (particularly at meetings, boring or otherwise) has been a source of comfort


