The Cridheolc Seekers

The Cridheolc are an organization of newly risen "Seekers" who have proclaimed to have found the "one true god" of Ansalon. However, this one true god believes that humans are the only race meant to exist on Ansalon and all others were created by the Chaos of the Graygem that 'ravaged' the world during its process of the creation. The Seekers of Cridheolc believe that all other races must be 'purified' - and by purified, they mean killed so that they can 'return to the wheel and be reborn, pure and free of the taint of magic.'

The symbol of Cridheolc represents the vile side of those tainted with magic (on the left), then the right side, their human purification form.

The followers of Cridheolc dislike all forms of magic and will not hesitate to kill, even humans, who wield any form of magical abilities (for this means they have been corrupted by the Graygem).