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History of Krynn


The following can be player knowledge, but after 100 AC is not known to the general public and would not be made aware to your character.

The following is being posted as a reminder for those who enjoy Dragonlance or may not be familiar with it.

The game will be taking place during 347 AC

The Age of Dreams

The events of the Age of Dreams are not dated to a specific year, or even century. It is probable that the measuring of time during this period occurred at a scale incomprehensible to man. -Astinus 

The Gods Awaken: From swirling chaos emerge the gods. Taking realms of chaos unto themselves, they establish the Balance. Chaos slows and is subdued by the triumvirate of Good, Evil, and Neutrality.

The Stars arc Born: The universe is forged from chaos. Sparks fly from the anvil, creating stars in the sky. Worlds are wrought by the hammer strokes and left co cool. The spirits of the races dance among the stats.

The All-Saints War Begins: The three realms of the gods vie for control of the sentient spirits. The gods of good press to give the spirits power in physical worlds, nurturing them toward the greater good. The evil gods desire to subjugate the spirits as servile beings. The gods of neutrality wish to free the spirits to their own desires.

End of the All-Saints War: The war ends with an alliance between the good and neutral gods, in which the spirits gain power in the physical world, yet retain the freedom to choose good or evil.

Krynn is Populated: Gnomes, elves, ogres, dragons, and humans are given the world of Krynn as their domain. The races quickly spread across the world, claiming regions as their own. The other races force the humans into small, desolate comers of the world, and then ignore them.

The Age of Light

circa 4000 PC Rise of the House of Silvanos: The first Synthal-Elish (Council of the High Ones) is formed by Silvanos, on the hill called Sol-Fallan. The many households of the elves sweat allegiance to each other through Silvanos. Balif, the general, becomes Silvanos's lieutenant. Now united, the elves look to the menace of dragons encroaching into eastern Silvanesti.

Birth of the Gnomes: Reorx, who forged the world, becomes displeased with a group of his human worshipers. He turns them into gnomes.

circa 3500 Greystone Created: Magic is unknown upon Krynn. Reoxx, the god of the forge, creates the Greystone of Gargath. In it is concentrated the magical essences of the grey moon, Lunitari.

Elves Triumph: The dragons are driven from Silvanesti. Elven clans again swear allegiance to the house of Silvanos. The Kingdom of Silvanesti is decreed. Lands ate granted immediately to the major families of the Synthal-Elish. A central government overlooks independent states.

circa 3100 Greystone Released: The gnomes pull the Greygem from the skies, and it floats across the face of Krynn, leaving disruption and chaos in its wake. Through the gem, magic is brought to the world. Some gnomes are changed by the gem, creating the kender and dwarven races.

circa 2800 Kal-Thax Closed: The region of Ansalon inhabited by the dwarves is sealed against all intrusion. Rumors of dark horror emerge from the land, but messengers are forbidden entry.

2692 Second Dragon War of Silvanesti Begins: Dragons again strike southward from central Ansalon, this time aided by potent magic. The elves rally and resist. Elves from the western provinces save the capital from destruction, forcing the dragons onto the defensive.

Construction of Thorbardin Begins: The dwarves of Kal-Thax commence the building of their mighty fortress as a defense against the world.

2645 Second Dragon War Ends: The elves of the west drive the dragons from Silvanesti, and are held as heroes of the land. Humans join in the war to banish dragons from the face of Krynn. A mighty hero, Huma of the Lance, discovers the Dragonlance and uses it to drive the dragons to a negative plane, where they are ordered to sleep for the rest of eternity.

2600 Thorbardin Completed: The dwarves withdraw into their fortress, turning their backs upon the rest of the world.

Rise of Ergoth: The humans of Ergoth exert their influence beyond the borders of their land. Ergoth expands rapidly to the east and south.

2515 Death of Silvanos: The venerable leader of the elven nation dies and is butted in the Crystal Tomb. His son, Sithel, assumes the leadership of Silvanesti. Sithel orders construction of a tower in honor of his father, to be called the Palace of Quinari. 

The Age of Might

2500 to 2200 Ergoth Dominant: The expanding nation of Ergoth reaches the northern border of Thorbardin to the south. Skirmishes between dwarves and men eventually lead to an uneasy truce. The humans also expand eastward and establish outposts on the edge of the Silvanesti forest. The western elves begin to trade with humans; some elves and humans intermarry.

2308 Sithas and Kith-Kanan Born: twin sons are born to Sithel. Sithas is born minutes before Kith-Kanan.

2192 Sithel Slain: Sithel leads a hunting expedition into the western reaches of Silvanesti. His party accidentally meets a human hunting party that is stalking prey. The elf is concealed by thick brush and a human hunter shoots him by mistake. The Kinslayer War begins.

2192 to 2140 Kinslayer War: The elves attempt to drive the human outposts from Silvanesti, while the humans defend fiercely. Many more humans arrive to aid their side in the war. The elves who married into human society are forced to fight against their human kin in a war of great savagery.

Kith-Kanan skillfully leads the western elves in war, while Sithas solidifies his hold upon the throne. The wat finally ends with a truce. 

2140 to 2100 Sundering of Silvanesti: The western elves are again the heroes of the land. They, however, arc ashamed of the bloodshed wrought by the Kinslayer War. The philosophies of the western elves have strayed from the rigidly structured order determined by the high elven caste system. With their army still intact, the western elves sue for freedom of self-determination.

Ergoth/Thorbardin Clash: A series of disputes over borders and mineral claims leads to renewed skirmishing between dwarves and humans. The threat of all-out war looms.

2073 Swordsheath Scroll Signed: A pact of peace is signed by the emperor of Ergoth, the elves of Silvanesti, and the dwarves of Thorbardin. The Swordsheath Scroll solves the most pressing problems of the age.

The elves of western Silvanesti are granted a huge tract of enchanted woodland north of Thorbardin, where they can live as they wish. This land, called Qualinesti, also serves as a buffer between the dwarves of Thorbardin and the humans of Ergoth. Ergoth agrees to stop mining the Khaiolis Mountains, and the dwarves agree to relax trading restrictions between their peoples and the humans. All hostilities cease.

2050 to 2030 The Great March: The elves of western Silvanesti, under their leader Kith-Kanan, migrate to Qualinesti and begin to colonize their homeland. 

2000 to 1400 Peace: Krynn prospers. Kith-Kanan strengthens the bonds of peace between the elves of Qualinesti and the dwarves of Thorbardin. Together, the races erect the fortress of Pax Tharkas as a monument to their lasting peace. Ergoth passes through a succession of emperors of the Quevalin line, the majority of whom rule with just and benign hands.

1400 to 1250 Rebellions in the East: Gradually the Ergothian rulers begin to abuse and exploit their subjects. After much repression and heavy taxation, the provinces in the eastern corners of the empire begin to revolt. These wars are usually brief, but very violent. The emperors arc forced to use their troops regularly, and each rebellion is larger than the last one.

1262 Vinas Solamnus Commands Imperial Guard: This skilled commander, who has been instrumental in crushing several rebellions, is appointed to the highest military post in the empire. 

1251 Great Rising in Vingaard: The largest rebellion yet shakes the plains of Vingaard and Solanthus. Solamnus marches east with a huge army to once again crush the rebellion.

1250 Year of Waiting: Solamnus studies the grievances of the eastern peoples, determined to end the rebellion without a massacre. Gradually he comes to realize that the empire has incited the rebellions through vile and repressive treatment of its citizens. Solamnus, and most of his army, join the rebel cause at the end of the year.

1249 to 1242 Union of the Plains States: The nations of eastern Ergoth rally to Solamnus, achieving quasi-independence.

Patiently, Solamnus trains a mighty army.

1241 Fall of Ergoth: Solamnus and his army march west. The general outmaneuvers the Ergothian army and lays siege to the capital. Solamnus accepts the emperor's surrender in the spring of 1240.

The surrender terms require the emperor to grant each of his subject states the right of self-determination. Although the nations of Ergoth remain loyal to the crown, outlying states become independent or join the new nation of Solamnia.

Solamnus assures the elves and dwarves that he will abide by the terms of the Swordsheath Scroll. 

1225 Knights of Solamnia Formed: An order of knights, dedicated to the causes of goodness and freedom, is formed by Vinas Solamnus. Solamnia prospers, as the states of Palanthus, Lemish and Caergoth join the new nation voluntarily.

1100 to 800 Foundation of Istar: The tribes of far eastern Ansalon, until now a bickering collection of barbarians, gradually unite. The Council of Istar establishes a unified government. Istar begins to trade with Solamnia.

Solamnia Prospers: The dynasty founded by Vinas Solamnus is extended by his descendants. Ergoth depends on Solamnia for protection and trade.

773 to 760 Istar and Silvanesti Clash: A series of border skirmishes between the expanding Istarian nation and Silvanesti again threaten the elven homeland. With the aid of Solamnia, the elves persuade Istar to add its signature to the Swordsheath Scroll.

700 to 600 Ogre Wars: Pillaging armies of ogres emerge from the Khalkhist Mountains of central Ansalon, raiding across the plains of Solamnia and the fertile fields of Istar. Solamnia and Istar unite, eventually driving the ogres back into the mountains. 

600 to 280 Union of Solamnia/Istar Solidified: The two great human nations grow more and more interdependent. The Knights of Solamnia become the military strength of both nations, while the artistic and educational talents of Istar arc spread throughout the continent. Istar gradually becomes the dominant partner.

280 First Kingpriest Declared: The capital city of Istar is proclaimed the center of the world. The anointment of the first

Kingpriest solidifies the bond between the military might of Solamnia and the spiritual guidance of Istar.

260 Construction of the Temple of the Kingpriest Commences: The finest artisans of Krynn arc brought to Istar to build a temple that will proclaim to the world and the gods alike the glory of the nation of Istar.

212 Temple Completed: Widely proclaimed as the finest example of architecture ever, the temple is blessed by the Kingpriest, who immediately takes up residence.

250 to 100 Elves Shun Other Races: Increasingly disgusted by the frantic pace of human life and the arrogance of man about his own accomplishments, the Silvanesti elves withdraw into their forests. They bar commerce with the outside world, and visitors are prohibited from entering.

118 Proclamation of Manifest Virtue: The Kingpriest declares that evil upon Krynn is an affront to the existence of the gods and men. A rigidly defined set of evil acts are listed: those found guilty of committing any of these acts are to be put to death. Clerics of good, appointed by the Kingpriest, journey throughout Krynn, seeking to find and report any evil acts or individuals. 

94 Extermination of Evil Races Sanctioned: The Kingpriest, not satisfied with the Proclamation of Manifest Virtue, adds a clause stating that certain races— goblins, ogres, etc.—are inherently evil and must be exterminated. High bounties are offered, and bounty hunters immediately set about to eliminate these creatures.

80-20 Rise of Clerical Power: With the full approval of the Kingpriest, Istarian life falls increasingly under the influence of the clergy. Clerical approval is required for marriage, business contracts, and military expeditions.

The rise of the clerics is accompanied by a corresponding loss of magic-user influence. Hounded as an unrepentant source of evil, mages are driven farther and farther underground.

6 Edict of Thought Control: The Kingpriest asserts that evil thoughts constitute evil acts, and declares that his clerks are to employ ESP spells in an increased effort to rid the world of evil. 

The years following the Cataclysm were filled with horror and despair for several centuries. Battles for lost glories were a token of the age. Yet all races of Krynn managed to find the courage to fight the darkness.

Though the full tale of those days is known only to Astinus, the following events lend perspective to that time.

Age of Darkness

0 Cataclysm: The wrath of the gods descends upon Krynn The Thirteen Warnings strike, one per day, preceding the end of the year. Trees weep blood, fires die or rage uncontrolled, and cyclones strike the Temple of the Kingpriest. On the thirteenth day, mountains of fire fall from the skies, ravaging the landscape.

Istar is immediately destroyed, its remnants sinking far below the surface of the newly formed Bloodsea. Ergoth is sundered from the mainland to form two great islands. Waters pour into central Ansalon, forming the New Sea and shrinking the formerly vast plains of Ansalon. To the south, the land rises and the water recedes. The port city of Tarsis is unscathed, but now lies far from the sea. The Temple of the Kingpriest is shattered with the destruction of Istar, its pieces scattered throughout the planes of the universe.

1 to 100 AC Chaos and Pestilence: The survivors of the Cataclysm struggle desperately to stay alive. Famine spreads across the world and plague follows. True clerks axe unknown. The Knights of Solamnia are persecuted throughout the land, as people find them a handy target for blame. Many villages and towns, initially untouched by the Cataclysm, soon vanish because of disease or war. Sometime during this period, the Foundation Stone of the Temple comes to rest in the Abyss, and is discovered by Takhisis, the Queen of Darkness.

141 Stone Planted in Neraka: Takhisis places the Foundation Stone on the barren plain of Neraka, far from any center of population. The stone begins to grow into a twisted and perverted form of the Temple. The Dark Queen enters the world through the portal opened by the stone. Walking among the creatures of

Krynn, she awakens her evil dragons and prepares them for the work she has in mind. She then returns through the portal to gather her forces on the Abyssal Plane.

157 Berem Finds the Stone: A young man and his sister discover the Foundation Stone. The man pries a gemstone loose, against the advice of his sister. They struggle, and the sister is accidentally killed. Her spirit, imbued with goodness, inhabits the Foundation Stone. The man, Berem Everman, is cursed with the stone he has stolen, as it becomes embedded in his chest. He cannot gain the peace of death until his sister’s soul is released from imprisonment in the stone. 

210 Takhisis Returns: The Queen of Darkness attempts again to enter Krynn through the portal opened by the stone, to her great frustration, she discovers that the portal is closed by the presence of the sister’s spirit. Enraged, she casts about for a solution.

287 Dragon Eggs Stolen: The evil dragons, awakened by Takhisis, keep their presence in the world a secret. They raid the Isle of Dragons, where the good dragons lair, and steal the good dragons’ eggs. Fleeing with the eggs to the Lords of Doom, the evil dragons hide their cache in the bowels of the volcanoes.

296 The Oath: Acting upon the orders of their Queen, the evil dragons exact the Oath of Neutrality from the good dragons. The oath binds the good dragons to noninvolvement in the coming war. In return, the evil dragons promise to return the eggs, unharmed, at the conclusion of the war.

300 to 320 Agents of Evil: Takhisis sends her agents through the world, seeking the man with the green gemstone embedded in his chest. She knows that this man is the key to opening her portal once again. She grows increasingly frustrated at Berem's apparent disappearance. Eventually, she decides to put her plans into operation. 

Age of Dragons

332 Dragons Appear: The savage and warlike humans of Sanction, Neraka, and Estwilde ate allowed to discover the evil dragons. From among the most evil of these men are recruited the Dragon Highlords and their officers. These men set about gathering armies under the watchful eyes of the evil dragons.

340 Humanoids Recruited: The ogres and hobgoblins arc gathered into the evil fold and trained as troops in the Dragon armies.

342 Draconians Created: Takhisis instructs the Highlords in the corrupting process whereby draconians are created from the eggs of the good dragons. The generation of draconians in the fiery underground regions around Sanction begins in earnest. The first draconians, Baaz, arc created from brass dragon eggs. Soon, copper dragon eggs are used to create Kapak draconians.

343 to 347 Evil Armies Marshall: Draconian creation continues, with Bozak (bronze), Sivak (silver) and finally Autak (gold) draconians. The draconians are formed into military units and trained for combat, while the training of human, hobgoblin, and ogre forces continues. Periodic outbreaks of violence occur among the Dragon armies themselves; the Highlords encourage this aggressive behavior. Near the end of 347, Takhisis judges that her forces ate ready. The opening campaign of the war is planned for the following spring.