After the events of the Cataclysm over three hundred years ago, the very face of the world was forever changed. In recent years, with famine and disease spreading so rampantly across the lands, an organization rising up from the chaos, calling themselves the Seekers, claim to have found new gods to worship, one of the organizations claiming to have found a deity by the name of Cridheolc. The followers of this ‘god’ realized in order to get more from the people they had to ensure that everything was coming from the Seekers. The Seekers employed pirates to stop trade routes and gather supplies from trade ships.

One of the ships these hired pirates attacked, was your own, Feroz. With your passion for your ship (her crew could be released! But the ship! Not so much!) – you took this personally – and with the minotaur attitude. Any ship that displayed the ‘Cridheolc’ flag out on the sea quickly became a target for you; perusing some ships for days just to send them to the bottom of the ocean.

This behavior, however, branded you as a pirate as the followers of Cridheolc grew larger, the belief these Seekers portrayed even reaching your own home in Mithas, where your behavior there also branded you an outcast and a pirate. 

During one of your expeditions, you rescued a vessel and its passengers that were being attacked by a ship flying the Cridheolc flag. Some of these passengers explained that they were seeking the truth about the old gods, near Farholm, just south of the Blood Sea of Istar, near Kendermore. These passengers discussed how these followers of Cridheolc were extremists and those who did not bend the knee to them would be ‘punished’ by Cridheolc. Farm were being burned, animals slaughtered, all supposedly at the hand of ‘Cridheolc’ – but indication showed that these were acts by mortals and when questioned, they would say that they were the weapon of Cridheolc and that it was his bidding.

This was not your fight, however. This was a problem for land dwellers. That night however was the darkest night on the ocean; the very stars themselves seemed to have hidden themselves away making guidance through the ocean impossible, as even the compasses behaved unusually. The ocean was uncharacteristically still when suddenly Solinari pierced the dark veil, the light illuminating your own brother who was a member of your crew, commanding his own vessel; as the light seemed to shine solely on him, as a follower of Kiri-Jolith suddenly remembered how your god; though gone from the world for hundreds of years, represented divine power and unity; but Kiri-Jolith was also a god who represented the virtues of courage and honor and to fight evil and combat injustice.

Your brother was the sole person whom you trusted your own vessel to. That night, you and your crew sailed for Hargoth, on the western side of Ansalon, far out of your own comfort zone; but this is a land that was known to be home to the Knights of Solamnia, fractured as they may be, their people were still honorable – and if there was anyone you could respect, it would be the people who shared the same principles about honor and war, and fellow believers of Kiri-Jolith historically. 

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