Mayor Auric Hopebringer was formerly a Knight of Solamnia. During his travels he'd met two Silvanesti elves named Hawkwood and Lalena. They traveled much of Ansalon, seeking out trouble and helping put an end to those who were taking advantage of others. Hawkwood and Lalena had been traveling to the Tower of Wayreth, when they met Auric in Tarsis – which is a shadow of what it used to be. Hawkwood and Lalena had gone to Taris seeking shelter in some of Tarsis’ ruins. It’d been there they encountered goblins and Auric had been in the area and provided help. Though he was never a fan of magic, he remained to escort the couple to the Tower of Wayreth. They would travel again to the north and while in Winterholm, Auric met the woman who would become his wife, Alliseena, and the mother of his son, Talarys.  Alliseena passed away from natural causes around ten years ago.