Braid Lockpick is a Kender who had spent some time traveling around Ansalon with the well travelled Hawkwood and Lalena. Braid came in and out of their lives frequently, sometimes vanishing while traveling with them (after a night of camping - something had caught his curiousity and he chased or followed it and came back to find his companions gone again). So it wasn't uncommon for Braid to come in and out of the lives of Hawkwood and Lalena; even the people of Varus became accustomed to seeing Braid on his frequent visits back to Varus. (He'd claim it'd been years, but it might have only been weeks, maybe months). Despite being a Kender, he often immediately returns things he's "picked up" (perhaps more self-aware than most other kender of their knack for "picking up" things).