St Peter School Hilites columns

Computerized Card Catalog: A New Tool for Students, St. Peter School Hilites, Feb 1990

Focus on Library Skills, St. Peter School Hilites, Mar 1990

Lasers in the Library [CD-ROM technology], St. Peter School Hilites, Apr 1990

Man Who Does Not Read… [Media support of the reading program], St. Peter School Hilites, May 1990

What is the Best Use for a Computer in School?, St. Peter School Hilites, October 1990

Who You Gonna Call? [Interlibrary loan and cooperation], St. Peter School Hilites, Nov 1990

Building for Tomorrow [Facility design for technology], St. Peter School Hilites, Dec 1990

Going Beyond the Textbook [Resource-based teaching], St. Peter School Hilites, Jan 1991

Encouraging Teens to Read, St. Peter School Hilites, Feb 1991

Computers and Writers: a Powerful Combination, St. Peter School Hilites, Mar 1991

Teachers, Computers and the Classroom: a Lesson from History?, St. Peter School Hilites, May 1991