Doug Johnson


Johnson’s Library Mission: To get back the overdue readers, not the overdue books. (More rules)

WELCOME to my “personal” homepage for my efforts as a writer, speaker and consultant.

I am great believer in the “stone soup mentality.” Like the soldiers in the old French fable, I know that when each person in a profession, organization, or community brings his or her individual talents and efforts to the table, everyone benefits. This page holds my offerings to the profession of library media and technology. I have certainly borrowed lots of wonderful ideas from many of you. I am obligated. (See “Why I Write For Publication,”)

If there are things of interest and value to you on this site, please use them as you can. Please note that the materials on this website, like my Blue Skunk blog, carry a Creative Commons license. Like most folks, I like to be credited for my work and you need to remember these writings and tools are only for nonprofit use within your organization.

I welcome your feedback on any of the writings you find here or on any of my presentations you may have attended.

Thanks for visiting.

My book Machines are the easy part; people are the hard part is now available as a free download at Lulu.

Blue Skunk blog

Top 10 @ your library slogans not recommended by AASL (Caution - for immature audiences only)

A Day of Ordinary (Library) Miracles

Favorite Quotes

You Know You Are A 21st Century Librarian When…

Doug’s T-Shirt Says

Internet Serenity Prayer

Technologist, grant me…

the Serenity to accept that not everything can be found on the Internet…

the Courage to go to the Library…

and the Wisdom to evaluate the information I do find.

Special note from Linworth Publishing: If you say you “saw it on my website, you will receive a $5 discount on any of my books.