Presentations and workshops

Recognized as one of the top 20 “Best of the Best” workshop presenters at ISTE.


Changing the One-Right-Answer Mentality: the Subversive Educator’s Guide to Creativity (all)

Changed but Still Critical: Bricks and Mortar Libraries in the Digital Age (school, public, academic librarians)

Walk a Mile in My Shoes: the vital role libraries play in developing empathy (all)

Everything I Know About Engagement I Learned in Kindergarten (all)

Digital Citizenship for Educators

Teaching Students Right from Wrong in the Digital Age: A Technology Ethics Primer (all)

Workshop, variable length

Are You Punishing or Preventing Plagiarism in Your School? (all)

One hour

Policies 2.0: Rules for the Social Web (all)

One hour

School Library Media Program Improvement

All Aboard! Evaluate, Plan and Report to Build Library Support (library media specialists)

Workshop, variable length

The Librarian’s Role in 1:1 Schools (library media specialists)

A Novel Approach to Building an E-book Collection (library media specialists)

One hour

These titles are of my most recent presentations and workshops. (Complete list of all my workshops and presentations on GoogleSites) The links go to descriptions and handouts.

My sessions are tailored for school library media specialists, technology coordinators, administrators, and teachers. All are illustrated with involving slide presentations, include engaging activities, have extensive online resources, and present both theory and practical applications. And of course, humor is a very large part of every presentation - and sometimes it is even intentional. Evaluations of these sessions have been consistently highly-rated.

My workshops are constructivist based. Each workshop has clearly stated goals, practical handouts, lots of discussion, and small group work. My goal in a workshop is to have each participant return to his/her institution with a working plan of action to create change.

I encourage attendees to bring personal computing devices. The information and tools on the wiki, my blog and website may be used by any educator for nonprofit school distribution and activities.

While I have indicated an optimal length of the sessions, times can adjusted somewhat and sessions can be combined to meet the goals of your organization. I prefer to work with groups ahead of time to make sure the sessions meet their specific needs. Everybody is happier at the end of the day when this happens.

I also work with individual schools and libraries to help design/remodel facilities and on library program evaluations. I can provide references from other schools with which I have worked.


I liked the fact that Doug used real world, experienced-based, practical suggestions to remind us, keep us on track, put us back on track when it comes to knowing and doing what is necessary and essential to keep our libraries vital and useful.

Awesome! The best!

I’m glad you were able to fit [us] into your speaking schedule- you were the hit of the conference.

Thank you! Doug Johnson is an amazing speaker, thinker, motivator, librarian, human being. Best workshop day yet!!!!

I think a lot of people started to find a shift in their thinking over the course of the weekend, and many teachers left the conference “confused at a higher level” which is always a good thing… ;-)

…he is always up to date and on the cutting edge.

You have been a breath of fresh air. It’s obvious that you know this stuff as well (or better than) most of the experts, but you manage to keep it entertaining. Thank you so much—I was beginning to wonder if somebody like me, who sometime sees the world in a slightly skewed fashion (perceived by some to be not serious enough) would be able to fit in. You have set a wonderful example—professional and yet funny. A perfect mix!

You are always on the top of our list for PD!

…you made me mighty, and I thank you!

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