Swabian immigration in the 18th century in Sathmar county – exchange and challenges in church and rural architecture

Domus scholarship in home country 2018

Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Maria Bostenaru-Dan, Romania


member of the external common body of the Hungarian Academy of Science (nr. 10041418)

1st september 2018 - 31st march 2019


51. Domus kuratóriumi ülés nyertes szülőföldi pályázatai 2018 Senior pályázatok

1712 the Swabians from Oberschwaben in Germany started to come to the county of Sathmar among other regions such as Banat. Goal of the research is to compare the architecture shaped in Sathmar with that in the origin region. The period of migration was that of the Baroque, when major landmarks of the Oberschwäbische Barockstraße were built, while in Romania about 100 years after their arrival an earthquake struck, which led to a reconstruction through the most valuable architect of Hungary, Miklos Ybl, who was the court architect of the Károlyi count whois family brought the migrants. The research will employ historical network research methods to perform comparative architecture research and to map the spread of the architecture. Field work will be organized to the origins of migration investigating rural housing and church architecture, that is the common tissue and the landmarks. In the context of reverse migration of the Germans of Romania this remains a region where they remained.