Happy Holidays! Happy Garden Club Members!

Post date: Nov 29, 2015 3:55:56 PM

Our 2015 program year is over, and as a special Auld Lang Syne we invite you to see our Photo Gallery for slideshows of our members at District IV events. If you haven't done so, why not make a New Year's resolution to join a garden club? See About Us for info on how to join a garden club in our district, somewhere else in Florida, or in another state.

As a member of an affiliated club, you get the benefit of membership in a state garden club (such as the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, FFGC), a regional organization (like the Deep South region DSR), and the National Garden Clubs. These organizations hold events and programs that you will surely enjoy!

Here's a sample of what's in store for you as a member of a garden club:

Happy New Year!