Got Awards?

Post date: Nov 16, 2015 4:30:33 PM

Now is the really the time for you and for our District to bloom! The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, FFGC, has issued its annual call for submittal of awards applications. There are so many categories of awards to choose from, we're sure that every District IV garden club has participated in at least one that's worth your submission.The deadline for most award submittals is December 1, so now's the time to get busy!

    • Go to the new FFGC website (the web address is -- do NOT put "www." in front of the name).

    • Click the Login link at the TOP of the page.

    • Sign in with your email and password.

      • If you do not know your password, click the Forgot Password link.

      • If you are unsure about what your account information is, you can email the FFGC at or call them during business hours at 407-647-7016.

    • Once you sign in, go to the on the Members link in the menu and select Awards to access the information and forms for both FFGC and NGC awards.

There is also a Website Help link under the Members menu (available after logging on to the site). It describes how to edit your Profile and search the Directory for other members you might wish to contact, or learn about upcoming FFGC Events.

Good luck with those awards!