District IV Meeting Recap

Post date: Nov 19, 2017 6:30:8 PM

Many thanks to the Ribault Garden Club for being such gracious hosts at the October 13, 2017 District IV Meeting. Despite the wrath of Hurricane Irma only a few weeks beforehand, the club did an outstanding job of making our meeting fun, informative, lovely, and delicious! And many kudos to our intrepid FFGC officers, First Vice President: Albert (Al) Latina, Second Vice President: Marjorie H. Hendon, and Third Vice President: Tina Tuttle for traveling to our District and the other FFGC districts despite the weather. Kind thoughts to FFGC President, Claudia Bates who could not be present but was with us in spirit. The FFGC officers came bearing gifts! A nifty trifold from Tina along with other promotional materials for us to encourage new members and remind our existing members of all the activities available to garden clubbers! Al made a presentation chock full of information on upcoming events, new features in the FFGC website, awards offerings, suggestions for promoting and retaining members, and opportunities for education, support, volunteerism and recognition.