District IV is Milkweed Country!

Post date: Nov 29, 2017 4:9:53 PM

Twenty-one species of milkweed are native to Florida, and twelve of them grow in one or more counties in our District. The problem is finding the seeds or plugs. The Florida Native Plant Society has a YouTube showing the various species that should grow in our area. Here are some resources to help you find native plugs or seeds and to help support and understand the monarch and other butterflies in our area. Because of the threat of OE, some individuals are advocating against growing Mexican Milkweed, but as more research emerges the prudent thing to do is to cut back your Mexican Milkweed in the fall (translation: NOW) and perhaps one other time in the growing season. This minimizes the chance of passing the OE parasite from the milkweed to the butterfly. You can help scientists collect data on the problem by joining in citizen science efforts, like OE spotting and butterfly counts.You can also plant a Monarch Waystation garden. Does your club have one already or one you maintain as an educational resource for the public that provides monarch habitat? Let us know and be counted like these garden clubs are, as a Monarch Supporter.