Writing test ( II Semester)

Writing test ( II Semester)

Клас: 5 В Вчитель: Зелінська М.О.

Виконайте контрольну роботу на подвійному листку,сфотографуйте та відправте вчителю на пошту,зберігайте будь ласка роботи!Термін виконання до 15.05

1.Match the words to their definitions.З’єднай визначення і слово

1. Someone who is very happy. A) clever

2. Someone who knows a lot of things. B) hardworking

3. Someone who likes to work hard. C) cheerful

2.Match the parts of the sentences.З’єднай частини речення

1. You go to the cinema a) to see an exhibition

2. You go to the museum b) to watch or look at the animals

3. You go to the zoo c) to watch a film

3. Complete the table with the sentences.Розподіли речення згідно грам.часу

Present Simple



Present Continuous



Past Simple



Present Perfect



1. Look! She is dancing now.

2. My mother works in a bank.

3. Has your friend written a letter yet?

4. My Granny cooked chicken two days ago.

5. The pupils have already done the lessons.

6. Do the boys play football every weekend?

7. The girl helped parents yesterday.

8. They aren’t watching TV at the moment.

4. Answer the questions.Дай відповіді на питання

· What do you usually have for breakfast?

· What is your favourite TV programme?

· What do you like to do in your free time?

· What do you usually wear in summer?

· Do you like your town? Why?

· What is your favourite season, weather?