Posters Wed AM

Wednesday 22 - Morning (10:30-11:30)

Location: Garden of Edifici Vèrtex - Campus Nord UPC - Plaça Eusebi Güell 6, 08034 Barcelona [GMaps]In case of cold / rain, Posters 1-7 in room VS217, and Posters 8-12 in room VS216.Chair: Xavi Giró

Computer Vision

  1. Valéry Dewil (ENS Paris-Saclay) - Self-supervised training for blind multi-frame video denoising (WACV 2021)

  2. Álvaro Heredia (La Salle) - Comparing and combining deep learning and geometric approaches to 3D facial landmarking (PhD topic)

  3. Bhalaji Nagarajan (UB) - Uncertainty aware sample selection for food recognition (PhD topic)

  4. Ngoc-Long Nguyen (ENS Paris-Saclay) - Self-supervised multi-image super-resolution for push-frame satellite images (CVPR-W 2021)

  5. Xavier Sevillano (La Salle) - Guiding GANs: how to control non-conditional pre-trained GANs for conditional image generation

  6. Estefania Talavera (Twente) - Topic modelling for routine discovery from egocentric photo-streams (Pattern Recognition)


  1. Daniel F. Ordóñez (IRI) - An adaptable approach to learn realistic legged locomotion without examples

Garden (or Room VS216 in case of rain/cold)

Life Sciences

  1. Júlia Gimbernat (Illumina/Stanford) - Archetypal Analysis for population genetics (PhD topic)

  2. Juan Gómez (La Salle) - Western Mediterranean wetlands bird species classification: evaluating small-footprint deep learning approaches on a new annotated dataset (PhD topic)

Medical Imaging

  1. Giuseppe Pezzano (Eurecat/UB) - COVID-19 detection and segmentation on CT scans (Computers in Biology and Medicine)

  2. Meritxell Riera (Sycai) - Early pancreatic cancer detection: automatic segmentation of precursor lesions on abdominal CT scans (PhD topic)

  3. Lidia Talavera (UIB) - Hair segmentation and removal in dermoscopic images using deep learning (PhD topic)