Check in

Given the announcement of the Government of Catalonia of limiting the capacity of cultural event to 70% starting Friday onwards, the organizers of DLBCN 2021 have decided to already implement this measure in advance, during the two days of the symposium. This measure may affect your attendance if you hold an "Early access ticket to the main auditorium", whether on Wednesday or Thursday. We would like to explain how the check in process and access to the rooms wil proceed.

  1. When you arrive to the Vèrtex building, go to the check in desk. This will be located at the street before starting the event, nd wil be later moved to the entrance of the auditorium once the line for accessing has been served.

  2. Show the QR code of the first of the sessions you have registered for. This code will be scanned by our volunteers.

  3. You will be given a badge that will indicate for which sessions you have main auditorium entrance (Wed/Thu AM/PM). The vounteers will cross out those sessions for which you have overflow room access. Write down your name and affiliation on both sides of the badge with the provided pen (and leave the pen on the table for other attenndees).

  4. If you have overflow room access, just go to the room, located in the basement of the Vèrtex Building and occupy a seat in a room, respecting the maximum capacity of each room (detailed here).

  5. If you have main auditorium access, go to the door and show your badge to the volunteers at the door.

    • If we have NOT reached maximum capacity yet, they will give you a colour-coded badge that you must wear during the whole block of sessions (Wed/Thu AM/PM).

    • If we have already reached maximum capacity, they will give you a colour-coded badge for the next block of sessions (Wed/Thu AM/PM) you have registered in the main auditorium. In this case, you will need to follow the current session from an overflow room.

Notice that, because of the limitation of 70% capacity in the auditoriums, we cannot guarantee that all "main auditorium" ticket holders can actually enter the auditorium in all registered sessions. On the other hand, our experience says that we usually have a large portion of no show ups that make it likely that you will be able to access. You can increase your chances of entering the main auditorium but coming to the auditorium early. Doors will open 30 minutes before the start of each session.