DLBCN 2021 follows the regulations defined by the Government of Catalonia and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in the context of the current COVID-19 world pandemic. In addition, the organizers have implemented multiple measures to prevent the spread if the virus among attendees:

  • Face masks must be worn at all times indoors, also speakers. Masks can only be temporary removed for eating and drinking.

  • Coffee breaks will be served outdoors, in the garden of the Vèrtex Building, together with the poster sessions. The Bar FIB serving lunches has a large terrace outdoors. It is strictly forbidden to drink and eat indoors. See the Food section for more details.

  • The cleaning of the auditoriums, overflow rooms and bathrooms has been doubled and adapted to extreme measures. The service is provided by ISS.

  • If speakers allow it, their talks will be live publicly streamed and saved at the DLBCN YouTube page.

  • Update 21/12: In order to increase the safety of attendees, the maximum occupation of all rooms has been limited to 70%. While it is likely that main auditoriums are full, the expected occupancy of overflow rooms is 50%.

  • Ticket holders of early access tickets to the auditorium can opt for a seat in a smaller and less crowded overflow room with the same ticket (no need to modify it). See the Venue section for more details.

  • Finally, the organizers encourage everybody to protect themselves and those around us through vaccination. If you have not yet, you can request your appointment from here.