Posters Thu AM

Thursday 23 - Morning (10:30-11:30)

Location: Garden of Edifici Vèrtex - Campus Nord UPC - Plaça Eusebi Güell 6, 08034 Barcelona [GMaps]In case of cold / rain, Posters 1-7 in room VS217, and Posters 8-12 in room VS216.Chair: Xavi Giró

Audio & Vision

  1. Cristina Puntí (UPC) - PixInWav: residual steganography for hiding pixels in audio (WiCV 2021)

Computer vision

  1. Sanket Biswas (CVC) - Structural Analysis and Understanding of Complex Layouts in Document Images (related to this ICDAR 2021)

  2. Cristina Bustos (UOC) - Predicting driver self-reported stress by analyzing the road scene (ACII 2021)

  3. Armand Comas (Northeastern University) - Learning disentangled representations of video with missing data (NeurIPS 2020)

  4. Biel Tura (IRI/UPC) - Learning graph-based event representations for unconstrained video segmentation (CCIA 2021)

  5. Adrià Arbués (UPF) - Towards soccer pass feasibility maps: the role of players’ orientation (Journal of Sports Sciences)


  1. Miriam Barrabés (UPC) - Predicting dog phenotypes from genotypes (under review)

Language & Vision

  1. Adrià Salvador (Glovo) - FooDI-ML: a large multi-language dataset of food, drinks and groceries images and descriptions

Reinforcement Learning

  1. Francisco Roldán Sánchez (Insight DCU) - Solving the real robot challenge using deep reinforcement learning (AICS 2021)Reinforcement Learning


  1. David Bonet (UPC) - Channel-wise early stopping without a validation set via NNK polytope interpolation (APSIPA 2021)


  1. Belén Alastruey (UPC) - Efficient transformer for direct speech translation (INTERSPEECH 2021)

  2. Gerard Gállego (UPC) - End-to-end speech translation with pre-trained models and adapters: UPC at IWSLT 2021 (IWSLT 2021)

Poster #1