Satellite Events

DLBCN 2021 is accompanied by satellite events celebrated during the dates around the symposium. These events are run separately and they follow their own dynamics and registration procedures.

Open Class on VAEs

Monday 20 December 2021 from 18:30 to 20.00 @ online

The online Postgraduate on Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning at UPC School organizes a hands on session on variational autoencoders (VAEs). The session will be hosted by Mariona Carós, PhD student at Telefonica R&D and the Universitat de Barcelona

Find all details in the event page.

Course on Literate Models for Vision

Monday 20 December 2021 from 10:00 to 17.00 @ online

The Computer Vision Center (CVC) organizes a short interactive course, offered through the International Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Academy (AIDA), participants will have a chance to reconcile with the state of the art in reading systems, especially scene text recognition, and explore how image text enables us to tackle new and exciting computer vision tasks such as fine-grained image classification, cross-modal retrieval, captioning and visual question answering.

Find all details in the event page.