K-1st Grades

Lesson 2: Cyber Bullying and Online Safety

Activity 1: Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6XunxJMcaE

Activity 2: Play this video game (CLICK HERE) for 15 minutes and make a note on your high score in your "Score Card"

Activity 3: fill out Your Score Card (CLICK HERE) -- Bonus, email your counselor or social worker how many points you got or a picture of your Score Card for a chance to be featured in the next Character Class lesson!

Parents/guardians: Please feel free to use the learning resource below for more information on Cyber Security For Kids

Lesson 4: Organizational Skills - "Where did I put that thing?!"

    • Lesson 4: Organizational Skills - "Where did I put that thing?!"
    • Watch this video lesson about organizational skills
      • Choose one of these 3 activities:
        • Create a system for organizing your toys or books. You can organize them from "least favorite to most favorite" or organize them into their colors (red toys, blue toys, yellow toys) or by what they are made of (plastic, rubber, etc.)

    • Download *this assignment tracker* to create a list of your assignments OR
      • Instead, you can create a folder system like Mr. Adam did in the video lesson.
      • For a folder system, watch this video to learn how
      • Email your school counselor or social worker for help with getting school supplies like binders and folders

Lesson 5: How To Break Up Big Tasks When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed