Videos on YouTube

Videos on YouTube

There are millions of videos on YouTube (which is owned by Google) covering every subject you can think of. You can access them via the YouTube website which is, but it’s better to use the YouTube app which is often preinstalled on many devices or you can download it free from your app provider.

The website or app will take you to the home page, or you can click on Trending or Subscription (which are YouTube channels which you have saved – it’s free to subscribe to YouTube channels). Other features include your Library, History, Watch Later and Liked videos.

To access anything, just type in what interests you in the YouTube search bar (with the magnifying glass) and see where it leads you! So, for example, typing in ‘U3A’ takes you to the U3A ‘channel’ which currently has 38 videos (e.g. If you like music, just type in the type of music, or any favourite pieces or performers – and for a fuller richer sound play the music through external speakers (through a wired connection or via Bluetooth).

One way to experiment is to look up some of the main ‘channels’. Each YouTube main channel has videos grouped under Home, Videos, Playlists, Community and Channels. Here are some good examples, and you can find them by using the YouTube search bar or if you are accessing YouTube via the web you can click or tap on the links shown:


BBC News -

Sky News -


Channel 4 -

Channel 5

TED Talks (Technology, Education, Design) has hundreds of really interesting talks – at or on the TED website at, or see recommendations at, or download the TED app.

This is also available as a PDF document (Portable Document Format), which you can download, save and store on your computer or tablet if you wish - just click or tap on the image just below here, or if you cannot see an image, try clicking or tapping on this link:

Connect & Learn Topic - YouTube - Jan 2020.pdf