Introductory videos

Introductory videos

Welcome to the introductory topic for the Connect & Learn Group. Here is a section of really good videos:

Improve your life - one skill at a time

You can access dozens of free short high-quality videos from the Sikana website at, and follow the topics you may be interested in. You can watch any of them individually, or watch them in sequence to form a course programme.

Categories are:

Any comments on these? Do you find them easy to access? Do these topics interest you? What do you think of the quality of the content? Do you want to discuss this with other members? Please let me know. You can get in touch in the way shown in the Contact section of our website. And you can get in touch with each other!

This is now also available as a PDF document (Portable Document Format), which you can download, save and store on your computer or tablet if you wish - just click or tap on this link: PDF for introductory topic.

Connect & Learn Introductory Topic - March 2019.pdf