
Happiness - A Plan for Action

This is an updated version of an article I wrote after a presentation I gave on this at the monthly U3A meeting several years ago.

It feels as if we are bombarded with information and advice about well-being and happiness from the media and from an ever-increasing number of books, so how can we make sense of it all?  Some definitions of happiness are:

10 keys to happier living

A really interesting website to look at is that of the Action for Happiness movement  - www.actionforhappiness.org. Vanessa King, who is a board member at Action for Happiness and author of "10 Keys to Happier Living" says: "They are the areas research evidence suggests taking action in can enhance happiness (pleasure and/or a sense of fulfilment). Many things impact how happy we feel but not all are in our control. The Keys are areas where we do generally have more control. And having a sense of control is important for wellbeing." I can recommend a 20-minute video of a TED talk she gave on this which you can watch at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cks__51kdw 

The first five of these keys are primarily actions we take in the outside world that impact on how we feel on the inside (GREAT):

The second five keys reflect the evidence on internal mindsets and habits that impact on how we feel and what we do, focusing on strengths and cultivating our sense of meaning and purpose (DREAM):

Here are five happiness challenges which could follow on from some of these keys, bearing in mind that these keys are a menu, not a prescription. They are just some suggestions, and you can amend, adapt or add to any of these if you wish:

Some other resources from Action for Happiness:

Other resources on happiness

Plus there very many more resources listed at http://www.actionforhappiness.org/resources (and click the 'more' button at the bottom right-hand of the screen of this webpage).

This has been published with the kind permission of Action for Happiness - www.actionforhappiness.org 

This topic is also available as a PDF which you can see and download by clicking on the image below at the bottom of this webpage, or via this link

So what do you think?

Has this Topic of the Month been useful and has this been of interest to you? Is there anything more that could be added? Any comments on these resources? Do you want to discuss this with other members or share any of this with others? You can get in touch in the way shown in the Contact section of our website. And do let me know if you want to have a conversation over a tea or coffee - and of course you can always get in touch with each other!

Connect & Learn Topic - Happiness - Dec 2019.pdf