Astronomy - Further resources and your suggestions

Your suggestions and recommendations

If you have any recommended resources which you think it would be good to share, do please let me know at It would good also to share any good programmes, videos, podcasts, radio programmes, apps, and online course material.

  • The best book that we have found on The Universe is Universe: The Definitive Visual Guide’, edited by Martin Rees (the Astronomer Royal) and published by DK. This has a great deal of detail and some dazzling graphics. See The hardback book is probably the best format. You can read the first few pages free as an ebook sample - although this and the ebook itself took me an age to download, but worth the wait! (My thanks to Anthony for this recommended book).

  • The national u3a (Third Age Trust) has an adviser for u3a Astronomy Groups, Martin Whillock FRSA, who has put together a very useful webpage which includes some excellent suggested websites. His webpage is at . Each week when we were doing weekly topics, we featured some of those resources from there and from his monthly updates , and I am very grateful to Martin for his support and advice.

Here are some of his recommendations:

Meanwhile …. happy astronomy learning, planet-watching and stargazing!