
Comments and suggestions about this Connect & Learn website

Please send any comments or suggestions for this website to me, John Hunt, at I would love to hear from you!

The Exmouth & District u3a Connect & Learn Group

Further details about the Exmouth & District u3a Group are on the About us page of this website and on the Exmouth & District u3a webpage for this group at . You can click (or tap) at the top right-hand side of that webpage to send a message to me directly (or at the bottom of that webpage if you are using a smartphone). 

We also have opportunities to share our ideas and suggestions in our Exmouth & District u3a website (, our monthly newsletter and our occasional bulletins (, and in our Facebook Group ( 

Alternatively you can send me an email at In addition, we could set up a WhatsApp Group (a closed group), and if you would like to join this, please get in touch with me. 

In addition we are now running weekly Zoom sessions which we call 'Connect On Thursday'. See our Ideas section and our monthly newsletter for details - 

We are also reviewing further ways we can contact and connect with each other. Further details will follow.

The Exmouth & District u3a Computers and New Technology Group

This group is full at the moment, but if you are a member of Exmouth & District u3a and want to find out more or want to join the waiting list, please go to the Exmouth & District u3a webpage for this group at You can click (or tap) at the top right-hand side of this webpage to send a message to me directly (it's at the bottom of the webpage if you are using a smartphone) .

Information about some of the topics we have covered at our group meetings is on the 'Computer Group' tab of this website, or tap or click Computer Group. And of course we have separate sections on this website on Computers and on Videocalls.