Mindfulness & Meditation

“Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally” (Jon Kabat-Zinn). See https://www.mindful.org/jon-kabat-zinn-defining-mindfulness/

These online learning resources are ideal for anyone who is new to this subject or who would like a refresher. Over a suggested period of eight weeks you can follow an optional course (or courses) and take some recommended action each week, plus we have the chance to share resources, ideas and suggestions about mindfulness and meditation. Everything is posted on this designated webpage, which you may wish to save on your website browser as a favourite or bookmark for convenience - https://sites.google.com/view/connectandlearn/mindfulness-meditation.

These resources and links will remain here indefinitely. This means that you can join in the suggested action at any time, and do all or any part of any of it - the choice of what you do and how much is entirely up to you!

There is no signing up required. All you need to do to participate is to look at this webpage every week (or as often as you like) at a time to suit you, and decide if you want to follow any of the action suggested each week and look at any of the resources posted here. So everyone is very welcome to participate and there is no limit on numbers.

We can also use the Exmouth & District u3a Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/exmouthU3A) to highlight various things and to give members the opportunity to ask questions and post anything about this.

After you have completed the suggested pathway(s), you may wish to consider how you can continue with your mindfulness practice, perhaps through a local group.

If you have any specific questions about this you can email me, John Hunt, group organiser, at website@exmouthu3a.org.uk.

Latest news

(For welcome and introduction, please skip this and scroll on down)

Welcome to this virtual Mindfulness and Meditation Group


Over a suggested period of eight 8 weeks, you have the chance to follow one or more pathways to learn about mindfulness and meditation, and to put it into practice. I have also posted various resources here which may be helpful whether you are a beginner or if you are looking for a refresher.


Four pathways


Here are four suggested pathways. You may wish to select the one (or ones) that appeal to you most. Then whichever you choose, if you keep up with the weekly activity, you will have completed your pathway(s) within eight weeks. Or you can just go at your own pace over a longer timescale (all of this information will remain on this webpage indefinitely).


Week 1 


Pathway 1. The Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness Programme


Pathway 2: The Gary Hennessey Mindfulness Programme


Pathway 3: Headspace


Pathway 4: Monash University online course

Week 2

Pathway 1. The Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness Programme


Pathway 2: The Gary Hennessey Mindfulness Programme


Pathway 3: Headspace


Pathway 4: Monash University online course

Week 3

For previous weeks, scroll on down below.....


Pathway 1. The Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 2: The Gary Hennessey Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 3: Headspace

Pathway 4: Monash University online course

Week 4 


Pathway 1. The Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 2: The Gary Hennessey Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 3: Headspace

Pathway 4: Monash University online course

Week 5


Pathway 1. The Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 2: The Gary Hennessey Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 3: Headspace

Pathway 4: Monash University online course

Week 6 


Pathway 1. The Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 2: The Gary Hennessey Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 3: Headspace

Pathway 4: Monash University online course

Week 7


Pathway 1. The Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 2: The Gary Hennessey Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 3: Headspace

Pathway 4: Monash University online course

Week 8

Pathway 1. The Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness Programme


Pathway 2: The Gary Hennessey Mindfulness Programme

Pathway 3: Headspace

Pathway 4: Monash University online course

Additional resources


Recommended resources will appear here. Have you any resources (e.g. books, websites, videos, audios, podcasts, articles, blogs, apps) that you would recommend? Please email me at johnh@exmouthu3a.org.uk.