Protect Spotsylvania!

Jobs ... ?

sPower ads: "misleading" ... at best

"Solar Creates Jobs: Over 700 jobs will be created."

  • This ad does not mention that these jobs are temporary.
  • They will be construction jobs lasting for about 18 months.
  • And they will be filled largely by out-of-state contractors, with out-of-state employees. *

* How do we know this? Those contractors are already here, scoping the work should the Sites be approved. They have told us so.

  • sPower claims regarding eventual full-time employment locally have varied over the past 12 months. First is was 10, then maybe 15, now 20 to 30. Seems they should have known this number solidly from the beginning. Why does it keep changing?


And on another note ... the ad above is at best misleading in this:

"Tax Revenue: Annual tax revenue to the County."

  • On another page on this site, we show how the County will actually lose as much as $88 million over the 35 year life of the project.
  • That analysis by Concerned Citizens can be found here: "Lost Tax Revenue"