Protect Spotsylvania:

Call To Action!

Help STOP sPower:

Contact your supervisor:

"Don't buy this 'pig in a poke' that sPower is selling!"

Can you believe that some Spotsylvania County Supervisors are planning to vote to approve the sPower Special Use Permits (SUPs) based on sPower’s unenforceable promise to pay $25 million dollars to the county? The problem is that without this promise, there is little financial benefit to the county, and the SUPs are likely to be denied.

Concerned Citizens of Spotsylvania County’s (CCSC) lawyer, Clark Leming, wrote a letter indicating that the county SUP process “has no legal mechanism for acceptance of monetary proffers.”

Legal Review of sPower's $25M Unenforceable Promises - CCSC email 5April2019 - email sent to Spotsy Supervisors, with letter from attorney Clark Leming attached.

Since this massive utility project doesn’t stand on its own merits, Mr. Creamer (sPower CEO) is attempting to buy SUP approval with an unenforceable promissory note. He is shifting the Board’s attention from the huge risks, including financial risks, by offering very tenuous UNENFORCEABLE promises to those Supervisors who will listen. Several of your Supervisors are taking the bait.

ACTION => Please call or email your Spotsylvania District Supervisor to ask them to disregard sPower’s unenforceable promises, and to vote to Deny the SUPs.

Paul D. Trampe

Salem District

w: 540-850-9073

Gary F. Skinner

Lee Hill District

c: 540-891-6610

Greg Benton

Livingston District

c: 540-903-5261

Chris Yakabouski

Battlefield District

c: 540-424-1440

Kevin W. Marshall

Berkeley District

c: 540-755-6087

Timothy J. McLaughlin

Chancellor District

w: 540-850-9092

David Ross

Courtland District

c: 571-594-0814


MARK YOUR CALENDARS – Tuesday April 9 7:30 – 9:00 pm (or later)

Location: Holbert Building, Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 1st Floor,

9104 Courthouse Road, Spotsylvania, Virginia 22553.

The Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors will continue their deliberations about the sPower Special Use Permits (SUP) which propose to build a 500 MW solar power plant across 6,350 acres in western Spotsylvania.

We anticipate they will try to finalize the SUP Conditions (requirements) at this meeting. They may hold the final vote once the Conditions are completed, so please plan to attend this important meeting.

Please attend and WEAR RED to show your opposition!

We need your FINANCIAL SUPPORT! We still have over $5,000 in legal and expert expenses that need to be paid.

CCSC has formed a 501(c)4 organization (IRS certification pending), solely for the purpose of receiving donations to defray expenses for attorney and expert witness fees, printing, postage, advertising, etc. No one in CCSC is paid for their hard work.

We are totally self-funded. So far, over 150 individuals and families have made donations of their hard earned money to stop this unprecedented and irresponsible proposal. If you have not done so already, please go to our webpage for instructions on making a donation. We need your help.

Donation page

Facebook: Concerned Citizens of Spotsylvania County


Instagram: @ProtectSpotsylvania

Current status

  • The votes of the Planning Commission were mostly favorable.
  • Sites A & B, which are the largest at more than 6,000 acres and 470 MW combined, were both recommended for denial.
  • Only the smallest of the sites, Site B, (245 acres and 30 MW) was recommended for approval. We still believe that site as well should be denied; we continue to work toward that end.
  • The applications now move to the Board of Supervisors for actual votes of approval or denial.

Here's what you can do. Right now!

1. Write each Supervisor

2. Sign the Petition

3. Attend the Board of Supervisors meetings.

4. Donate to Concerned Citizens



1. Write NOW to all Board members.

If you’ve not done so already … write NOW to all Board members.

The best approach in this will be for these to be not “cookie cutter” letters, but your own thoughts and concerns, based on all the research we’ve done and you've followed, but stressing your own personal feelings on this potential disaster.

You do have the benefit of months of research by many of our Concerned Citizens group. To that end, we’ve listed our Main Concerns here on the site:

Summary of Concerns <--Click here

Email addresses:

Send your letters (emails) “TO” the members of the BoS::,,,,,,,,

Include the following in your letters (emails) as a “CC” … this is the County staff. (The last address will ensure that we also get a copy of your emails):,,,


2. If you have not already done so … SIGN THE PETITION!

Click here or scroll to the image below to sign the petition.


3. Attend Board of Supervisors ("BoS") meetings

TENTATIVE DATE: Tuesday, Feb. 26 ... Time and location TBD

These February (and March?) BoS meetings are the meetings where the actual approval or denial of sPowers three sites will be made.

We need EVERYONE to turn out. And bring at least one friend.

Wearing red. Carrying signs.

Our massive presence IS making a difference! We need to keep that up.


Respond to the event posted here on FB so we get an idea of how many are coming.

4. Donate to "Protect Spotsylvania!"

Concerned Citizens of Spotsylvania County is incurring expenses for attorney fees, printing, advertising and marketing. We need your support!

Click the button below to "Donate!":