Protect Spotsylvania:

Hold sPower accountable !

Concerned Citizens of Spotsylvania County ("CCSC") is maintaining vigilance on the sPower solar center, in order to hold sPower accountable to the terms of the Special Use Permit approaved by the Board of Supervisors. To that end, we continue to incur expenses for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filings, and some legal fees. Please help us by making a donation to CCSC using the "Donate" button above.

Thank you.

CCSC efforts to monitor the sPower projects

A Utah based company, sPower, has been approved by the Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors for three Special Use Permits to build a massive, 6,350-acre solar "farm", right in the middle of historic Spotsylvania ... amid its homes, schools, farms (real "farms"), battlefields, and designated "Agricultural and Forest" lands.

That will be 10-square miles in size. Half the size of Manhattan.

That's not a "farm", its a massive industrial-scale power plant complex.

To date, the Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors has been lax in its oversight efforts. Concerned Citizens is filling the void to ensure that the county staff and Board hold sPower accountalbe to the restrictions included in the Special Use Permits.

** NOTE: Contributions to Concerned Citizens, a 501(c)4 organization, are NOT tax-deductible. **

Your contributions are used to fund our Freedom of Information Act requests, county filing fees and attorney fees. NO ONE in Concerned Citizens is paid. We are all concerned residents, volunteering our time and expertise.

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For those who live in the Livingston District ... check out how much of our "forestal" lands will be ravaged.

The proposed solar "farm" would consume approximately 70% of the Agricultural / Forestal lands in our district.

The area in light blue shows the proposed sPower sites, A, B and C.

Our Mission

To ensure that utility-scale solar power plants do not harm the public health, safety and welfare, wildlife and the environment, and place no additional economic burden on taxpayers and electric rate payers.

Who We Are

Concerned Citizens of Spotsylvania County is a grass roots group of residents who have serious concerns about the proposed solar power plant under application for a Special Use Permit (SUP) in western Spotsylvania County.

In January of 2019 Concerned Citizens applied to the IRS for status as a 501(c)4 organization.