Work-based learning

What is Work-Based Learning?

Colorado's Work-Based Learning Continuum


Quality Work-Based Learning Toolkit

(click button in top-right corner to open in separate tab)

Teacher Shared Resources

Work-Based Learning Agreement (from Fossil Ridge HS)

Work-Based Learning Evaluation (from Fossil Ridge HS)

FACS/DECA Collaboration (from Fountain Fort Carson)

School-Based Enterprise: Your Own Coffee Shop (from Air Academy)

Definitions & Descriptions

School Based Enterprise (SBE)

A school-based enterprise (SBE) is an entrepreneurial operation in a school setting that provides goods/services to meet the needs of the market. SBEs are managed and operated by students as hands-on learning laboratories that integrate National Curriculum Standards in marketing, finance, hospitality or management.

Scope and Sequence documents for:

Resources from DECA Inc

Guide for starting and managing a SBE

Webinar on School Based Enterprise (SBE)

One Colorado example of a School Based Enterprise is an Escape Room! Poudre High School has built two escape rooms at their school. They have set up a website and Instagram account, to advertise and sell tickets for their creative enterprise!


Work-based learning is meant to help students build upon knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to further develop prepare them for success in future career and postsecondary education. One way this can happen is through internships.

Industry Sponsored Projects


  • Student works on a social media campaign for a small local business with an industry mentor on a culminating project.

  • Students work with Chamber of Commerce or other agencies to provide a targeted business activity or project that is overseen by agency personnel and a CTE educator.

The objective of an industry-sponsored project is to create a unique, high-quality educational opportunity for students, where the educational content will enhance educational objectives of the program and class to which it is assigned.

Industry Sponsored Projects in any CTE program should meet the following expectations to ensure a quality WBL experience for the student:

  • The education content of the project must enhance the educational objectives of the design program and the class to which it is assigned.

  • The project must be organized to provide interaction of students with industry personnel appropriate to the nature of the project, such as management, finance, engineering, medical technicians, technical specialist and designers.

  • Recommended student contact of 30 hours

  • Educator will assist the industry sponsor in developing the project that is an appropriate fit to educational goals.

  • Educator will collaborate with industry partners to develop a timeline and schedule for project and industry interaction.

  • Signed agreement between industry sponsor and educator to ensure understanding of responsibilities of mentor/student/educator.


Helpful WBL websites

CTE Colorado Work-Based Learning

Colorado Workforce Development Council - Government-created website with multiple resources, including links to funding opportunities and myths vs. facts to hiring youth in the workforce.

Virtual Internships from Rubin Unable to secure internships because of COVID-19? Consider a "virtual internship" from Rubin. Rubin teaches thousands of CTE students in-demand professional skills like email/phone etiquette, LinkedIn and more.

Career Exploration and Planning - Free job, internship, and college search tools, plus career and interest assessments.

Other Resources

TalentFound Workbook (2017) - Accelerating Work-Based Learning

WBL Coordinator Guidance - how to obtain credentials/endorsements for your efforts coordinating work-based learning - free, comprehensive multimedia career exploration and planning resource. Educators and students can create an account at (click on the Virtual Job Shadow banner at the bottom). Contact Wendy Corley: for more information.

Some free work-based learning programming and options to build programming to meet the needs of your district/school.

Cambiar Quest

Cambiar Quest for Success Curriculum - career exploration

Project Based Learning Infographic

"Small Business, Big Impact" Lesson Plans

Images used courtesy of Microsoft PowerPoint stock photos and linked websites