Advisory Committees

What is an advisory committee?

Your advisory committee should include individuals with experience and expertise in business or marketing, who advise educators on the design, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance, and revision of your program. An advisory committee is required for every approved career and technical education (CTE) program in Colorado as it is considered to be an invaluable part of the program, and ultimately, the student’s success in a given career path.

When searching for advisory committee members, consider the following:

    • Employers in your area

    • Grants or foundations that may exist in your community even if they are not related to education

    • Professional Groups within the Career Area (ex. Colorado Association for Mechanical Engineers)

    • Equipment Vendors

    • Past students or parents of students working in the career field

It is important to note, that institutions may have a specific protocol for contacting community members to serve in an advisory capacity. Please check with your administration prior to contacting outside parties.

If you work in a rural school, you may be or want to consider being part of a consortium. Consortia exist when districts find it advantageous and cost-effective to cooperate with other districts in the management of their CTE programs. By pooling resources, districts reduce costs, avoid duplication, and provide for a more comprehensive range of services and programs. The consortium would create a shared advisory board to contribute advice, resources, and expertise to all of the programs. A shared advisory board would work best between districts that have equitable programs as well as similar philosophies, policies, and procedures.

Source: Colorado State Plan

Building a strong advisory committee

Click on the link above to learn more about how to structure and organize your advisory committee, how to hold effective meetings, keeping it sustainable, and more.

Share your goals and vision, and put your advisory committee to work!

The advisory program of work is not just a compliance document. It is built to help you plan for the future with your community.

Advisory POW template

Images used courtesy of Microsoft PowerPoint stock photos and linked websites