Entrepreneurship (Capstone)

Scope and Sequence


Course Framework


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Unit 1: Entrepreneurial Mindset

The entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial skills are necessary not only for students who will become business leaders, but also for individuals working in the increasingly competitive corporate world.

Please add any additional resources you use in your classroom: Entrepreneurial Mindset Resources

Unit 2: Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Understand discovery stage in which the entrepreneur generates ideas, recognizes opportunities and determines the feasibility of ideas, markets, ventures.

Please add any additional resources you use in your classroom: Entrepreneurial Opportunities Resources

Unit 3: Ethics

Students will be knowledgeable and ethical decision makers as they fulfill their roles as consumers, workers, and citizens.

Please add any additional resources you use in your classroom: Ethics Resources

Unit 4: Project Management

Demonstrate understanding of the fundamental knowledge, terminology, and processes of Project Management.

Please add any additional resources you use in your classroom: Project Management Resources

Unit 5: Business Plan

Students will prepare a comprehensive business plan for a business and can understand the resourcing stage in which the entrepreneur identifies and acquires the financial, human, and capital resources needed for the venture startup.

Please add any additional resources you use in your classroom: Business Plan Resources

Business Plan Unit 1: Strategic Planning

Business Plan Outline

Company Values, Mission, Vision

Corporate Culture

SWOT Analysis and Risk Analysis

Location Analysis

Business Plan Unit 2: Legal Considerations

Business Plan Unit 3: Human Resources & Management

Organizational Structures

Recruiting, Interviewing, Hiring, and Training

Compensation and Benefits

Performance Evaluations and Employee Motivation

Discipline and Termination

Business Plan Unit 4: Marketing & Sales

Marketing Plan



Business Plan Unit 5: Production & Supply Chain Management

Product Planning and Pricing

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Supply Chain

E-Commerce and Technology

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Distribution and Global Markets

Please let us know if you have resources we can share for this section!

Business Plan Unit 6: Accounting & Finance

Start-Up and Financing Needs

Financial Tools and Internal Controls

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Business Plan Unit 7: Risk Management

Business Plan Unit 8: Growth & Sustainability

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Unit 6: Internship (optional)

Please add any additional resources you use in your classroom: Internship Resources

Unit 7: Portfolio (optional)

Please add any additional resources you use in your classroom: Portfolio Resources

Additional Resources