Benefits of a CTSO

The Benefits of Implementing a Career and Technical Student Organization

Increasing pressure to meet state standards, cutbacks in funding and programs all have put an enormous load on career and technical education instructors. In a time when cutting back has become the norm, the one area that CTE teachers should not compromise is that of the career and technical student organization (CTSO).

The value of a CTSO is greater than ever. When implemented correctly by a dedicated and trained CTE instructor, the CTSO is an integral part of a well-structured, high-performing CTE program.

According to the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE), “CTSOs play an important part in preparing young people to become productive citizens and to assume roles of leadership in their communities. These organizations provide a unique program of career and leadership development, motivation, and recognition for secondary and post-secondary students.”

CTSOs have been proven to be extremely effective instructional tools. While terms like “curricular” or “co-curricular” have been used to describe CTSO activities, there is no question that CTSOs are anything but EXTRA-curricular. CTSOs are NOT “clubs” or “competitions.” They are much, much more.

CTSOs as an Instructional Tool

CTSO activities are integral to Career and Technical Education when they:

Provide training and realistic learning experiences directly related to preparing students for employment in the business sector.

Present organized activities for students to gain personal and leadership skills.

Demonstrate goals and purposes that parallel the philosophy of Career and Technical Education.

Enrich and enhance classroom learning as an extension of the instructional program.

Source: SkillsUSA CCCS website

Benefit for Students

Personal Development

Through leadership training, as well as local, state and district conferences, CTSOs help young people in the maturation process, helping them grow and assume active roles in their community. Students learn that for any organization to be successful, each member must do his or her part.


By experiencing success – again whether in a leadership role, by speaking to business, industry or political leaders, or even through a competitive event – CTSO members gain a new sense of self – confidence in their skills and abilities and are better equipped to set and achieve goals.

Sense of Community & Belonging

Community improvement and development is a hallmark characteristic of each and every CTSO. Through participation in these activities, members learn they are part of a larger community. There is no doubt that part of a CTSO is social development and awareness; many life – long friendships have developed through CTSO activities.

Communicaton Skills

Public speaking and participation in meetings is an integral part of each CTSO program. In these activities students learn to think on their feet, make quick decisions, and share their decisions and ideas clearly and thoughtfully.

Creative Thinking and Problem Solving

Through chapter management activities, CTSO members practice and refine their problem – solving skills in groups. By learning to work effectively in a CTSO chapter, members gain skills that will make them employees who are better able to solve productivity problems.

Experiential Learning

Each CTSO utilizes a hands-on approach to learning, whether it be in leadership training or a competitive event.