Evo X PIR Shakedown

Last PIR SCCA Track Night

So this last Friday the 26th was the last track night hosted at Portland International Raceway here in Oregon. I attended with two of my buddies who also like to partake in Motorsport shenanigans. Anyways I swapped brake pads the night before in anticipation. My current brake pad setup for the track consists of Carbotech XP12 pads in the front and XP10's in the rear. These pads paired with AMS stainless brake lines, and ATE Type 200 fluid have proved to be bulletproof on track even with a heavier car and a poor driver.

So I hit the road early in the afternoon and had a blast driving up in Portland traffic. Anyways once I got there I checked in and registered then proceeded to unload the car while waiting for Clive and Nico to show up. Clive and Nico eventually showed up and we sat in a quick meeting to hear what some of the instructors had to say and then watched everyone go out for parade laps while we setup the cars in the nice comfortable 99 degree heat. One thing I love about the track scene is the shear variety of cars and creations you see out having fun.

Just look at that lineup. Viper TA, GT350R, STI, GTR quite the sight. Anyways while they were out on parade laps my car was all prepped to go so I walked around the paddock to see what other neat cars were out here.

It was about time to go out for our first session which turned out to be a fairly exciting one. Between having some initial traction problems and a golf blowing turn 4 and ending up way out in the dirt. Check out the video below for a little awd understeer and then oversteer action.

Anyways that session was cut a little short because we all got black flagged after the golf went off. The next session was better as we started to get into a flow and turn some faster times. As well Clive's well used and abused Michelin Pilot Super Sports gave in to the heat and let go as you can see in this video.

After that session we let the car's cool and adjusted tire pressures accordingly to maximize grip and overcome the shear heat. We went out for our last session which ended up being the only one I actually was able to time due to my phone over heating while running Harry's Lap Timer. My goal for the car and myself is a sub 1:30 time at PIR which I got close too but I think if I got a more open track and focused more on the proper line I could drop those 3 seconds that are holding me back from my target time.

As always it was a total blast to get out and drive the car the way it was meant to be driven. As well every time I go out I learn more and gain more experience which is ultimately what I need the most right now over power and grip. One thing that I think is kinda cool that is a result of the track abuse and heat built up over the sessions is what happens to the Tomei titanium exhaust when it gets heat cycled. It turns a brilliant blue check it out below.

Anyways until next time. Get out and drive!