1996/01/30 The Palace, Big Day Out

Rage Against the Machine


The Palace

Melbourne, Australia

Big Day Out Festival

Lineage: Unknown Aud -> Cassette -> PC -> WAV -> FLAC

Length: 60 minutes

Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkMk5UBuFMM


(Zack dedicates whoever was yelling Rage during the Jesus Lizard set a fuck you)

1. Tire Me

2. Know Your Enemy

3. Without a Face

4. Bombtrack

5. Vietnow

6. Fistful of Steel

7. Revolver

8. Machine Gun (jam w/ spoken word)

9. Bulls on Parade

10. Killing in the Name

11. Wind Below

12. Freedom

A banger of a performance by Rage right before the release of Evil Empire as part of the Big Day Out Festival.

This is the first known performance of Bulls on Parade as well as the first known performance of Vietnow.

Wind Below is given one of its rare performances as well.

"Machine Gun" is a jam right before Bulls - this used to circulate as "Machine Gun" on old trading boards / forums but it was never clear where this song originated from.

Only two full recordings exist from the 1996 BDO shows, which is a shame seeing how great these early 1996 concerts are.