1991/10/30 Concert Hall, Toronto Canada

Pearl Jam

Concert Hall, Toronto, ON, Canada 

October 30, 1991

Lineage: Aiwa recorder (model unknown) w/clip on mic > master TDK SA90 cassette > Tascam 202MKV > Edirol R09 (16/44) > Adobe Audition CC2017 (level boost/hiss reduction) > CD Wave Editor (track) > flac8 > CD Wave Editor (track) > flac8

Recorded by: Andymon

Transfer & Tracking: Smores



1. Oceans

2. Even Flow

3. Why Go

4. Jeremy

5. Alive

6. Once

7. Porch

bill: Red Hot Chili Peppers/Smashing Pumpkins/Pearl Jam

notes: Over the years, some 'Andymon' masters had been traded and may have been transferred, processed, and posted by others. This is the first time the masters are being shared.

This show is another "Andymon" master. He was kind enough to give some of his masters to be shared in this forum. If you have masters that you would like to share, but lack the tools, time, or know-how, please contact SMORES on DIME and I will be happy to discuss them with you. thanks.