1985.12.13 Salle du Baron, Orleans, France [ATR-STASH mixer]

New Order - Live, Salle du Baron, Orleans, France - 13th December 1985.

Source: ATR-STASH mixer

Lineage: SBD (ATR-STASH box-o-tapes) --> ??? --> FLAC via Sam (lammah) -->

--> SoundForge (DC offset, remove old SBEs and pitch correction) --> CD Wave (tracksplits) -->

--> FLAC --> you


01 - Elegia

02 - The Perfect Kiss

03 - Weirdo

04 - Love Vigilantes

05 - Hurt

06 - Sooner Than You Think

07 - ICB

08 - This Time Of Night

09 - In A Lonely Place, (cut, probably due to A/B flip on master)

10 - She's Lost Control

11 - Blue Monday


Another glorious SBD recording of mid-80s New Order, this time from Orleans, France.

Lineage is the same stash-o-soundboards from (most likely) Hooky's Suite 16 recording studio,

liberated by Brian Whittaker (Revenge touring bassist) via eBay, but previous to selling

copied amongst the NO trading community in the UK.

From a post by OldMonkey on STG:

"A box of mixing desk tapes was found in a rehearsal studio used by Peter Hook.

They were advertised on E-bay by Brian Whittaker, former Revenge live guitarist.

David Sultan of the website "World in Motion" paid over £500 to win the auction.

Before they were sent to David though, they were copied amongst the Manchester

bootlegging fraternity, and are now widely available in the UK and wider.

Coincidentally (or otherwise, and this is where it gets good), the majority of

the shows in this box were the complete gigs from the tracks used on the live

disc of Retro (plus quite a few other gigs). It appears as though Hooky meant

for them to find their way to the bootleg hardcore......."

This thing sounds just as phenomenal as all the other ATR/STASH soundboards posted recently.

Features the next-to-last performance of "Hurt" and the last-ever "ICB".

"ICB" would be a CRACKING take if not for Hooky's bass amp packing it in at 1:53, finally

re-appearing at 2:42. Barney does some interesting lyric changes here as well.

"She's Lost Control" is an absolute disaster though, while quite interesting (in a scene-of-

the-accident kind of way) to listen to. No wonder they didn't play it after this gig until 2002.

At 0:48 features Barney yelling "Jesus!" regarding some mistake - he should have waited, because

a few seconds later Hooky makes a particularly gnarly screwup... This song is definitely not Hooky's

finest 4 minutes of recorded history as most of the mistakes seem to be his.

Classic Hooky-ism before "The Perfect Kiss":

PH: "Love the sounds of your own voices don't you, you boring bastards."

Classic intro to "This Time Of Night":

BS: "Hi, everyone. Bonjour. A la nuit. This one is called, eh, "Dans cette time a la nuit".

"Fromage a Potage. Fucky fucky. Fucky fucky."

Classic lyric change in "TTON", at 1:13 (in this re-tracksplit version):

BS (singing): "The bass sequencer I cannot hear / If you turn it up, my ears will feel much better, Eddie /

"I can hear the bass sequencer / Turn it up, you..." while Hooky fills in the correct backing vox

Enjoy !.....