Account Settings

You can configure your account using account settings.  Click on "Settings" on the menu to launch account settings. 

Time Zone

You can set the timezone for your account.


Create departments for your business which can then be assigned to employees. If you accidentally delete any department which is already assigned to employees, then you can create department again with same code, by retaining the code you do not need to assign this department to employees again.


You must create at least one paycycle for your account. If you have multiple paycycles in your company, you will be able assign paycycles to employees individually.  You need to specify paycycyle begin date only once, the paycycle begin date must be any date in the past (eg. you can specify the paycycle beign date of previous paycycle of your company). 


You can create groups to group employees together. You will be able to assign employees to one or multiple groups. You can create and restrict access privileges for employees based on the groups they are assigned to.

To understand group concept in details click here

Login Profiles

You can create job roles for your account. These are the roles you will assign to an employee. Based on role assignment employee will have access to tools, reports in the app for certain group of employees based on group access set for the role.

Reason Codes

You can define reason codes which are essentially predefined codes the time keepers/supervisors must select for every update made to attendance records.


You can create shifts and assign them to employees. 


Specify email address where we can send email alerts if time clocks get offline.

Custom Fields

You can create any number of custom fields to track additional information for each of your employees. 

Simply define the fields here and start using them when you add/update employee information.

Pay Codes

Define earning codes to track following three types of records capture and tracking for employees:

These earnings codes are used for payroll exports. 

If you have custom codes in QuickBooks Desktop or Enterprise versions then please make sure you maintain the system codes for Regular and Overtime codes as REG and OT respectively.

Attendance Rules

Define attendance rules for

You can drag and drop to create proper sequence for the rules. The rules are applied in the excat sequence they are setup (for eg. you may want to have Punch rounding rule run prior to automatic lunch deduction rule).

Once the rules are created you can assign them to employees individually.


Select which reports would you like to use for your account.

Miscellaneous settings 

Set time interval: 8 Hours

Device Punches: 9 AM, 5 PM  App processed punches: CHECK IN: 9 AM - CHECK OUT: 5 PM.

Device Punches: 9 AM, 9 PM  App processed punches: CHECK IN: 9 AM - ___, CHECK IN: 9 PM (Hence missing Check Out punch for 9 AM CHECK IN ) 


You can select the app version you would like to use, if you are not sure which version to use leave it to default value.